How Family Portraits Boost Your Child’s Self Esteem

One of the hidden but powerful aspects of family photography that mums and most photographers rarely consider is how it can help us raise children with stronger confidence in their own worth and abilities. Psychologists and experts have done some work in recent decades exploring the link.

But how can family photography, specifically family portraits, help boost a child’s self-esteem?

David Krauss, a licensed psychologist from Cleveland, Ohio says, “I think it is really important to show a family as a family unit. It is so helpful for children to see themselves as a valued and important part of that family unit. A photographer’s job is to create and make the image look like a safe holding space for kids where they are safe and protected. Kids get it on a really simple level.”

Krauss is one of the earliest pioneers in using people’s personal photography and family albums to assist in mental health counseling and therapy. He co-authored “Photo Therapy and Mental Health” in 1983 that is considered a founding text for the use of photography in therapy.

“It lets children learn who they are and where they fit,” says Judy Weiser. a psychologist, art therapist and author based in Vancouver. “They learn their genealogy and the uniqueness of their own family and its story. When a child sees a family portrait with them included in the photograph they say to themselves: ‘These people have me as part of what they are, that’s why I belong here. This is where I come from.’”

Weiser has spent more than 20 years using all manner of personal photography to assist in the treatment process of her clients. She is considered by many to be the foremost authority on these treatment techniques, called PhotoTherapy.

When It Comes To Having The Greatest Positive Impact For Your Child, Which is Better, Digital Images or Paper Prints?

Obviously, rather than print and display family photographs, families are increasingly enjoying their images in a digital form, be it a mobile device, a laptop, or simply on social media. But does an image on a tablet, computer screen or social media site have the same impact for helping families boost a child’s self-esteem?

“My bias is very simple. I think they (family photographs) should be on the wall,” says Krauss.

“I am very conservative about self-esteem and I think placing a family portrait someplace in the home where the child can see it every day without having to turn on a device or click around on a computer to find it really hits home for that child this sense of reassurance and comfort. They have a certainty about them and a protecting quality that nurtures a child. It lets them know where they are in the pecking order and that they are loved and cared for,” says Krauss.

Additionally, Krauss recommends having photographs of that child with their family placed in the child’s bedroom so it can be among the last things they see before sleep and the first thing they may see before beginning their day.

“It says we love you and care about you. You’re important.”

We are all loving our beautiful works of art from you. Felicity cried when she saw hers.

Diane & Dr. Michael Batterham


thank you, the experience was memorable and fun

We would like to thank you for making the experience memorable and fun for all, and with several different age groups present, that wasn’t easy!

The whole process from my first visit to the studio to our viewing session was extremely professional and carried out with warmth and consideration to our individual circumstances. A great job behind the camera.

I will have no hesitation in recommending williamstudio to friends and family in the future.

Dr. Joe & Pat D'Onofrio

Rosslyn Park

It’s important to capture the children growing-up and these portraits are amazing. You have captured each of the children’s unique character beautifully. With Ted such a keen photographer it’s refreshing to have him actually in the portraits.

Dr. Jane Zhang, Obstetrician-gynecologist &
Dr. Ted Mah, Orthopedic surgeon
North Adelaide

the whole experience is positive for everyone